Adult Buddhist Association

of the Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple

Our purpose:   to provide fellowship within the Adult Buddhist Association membership of the Temple through religious, service, and social activities.

With the 2024 Obon Carnival fast approaching, ABA and the temple can use assistance in various capacities.  Please let us know if you would be able to help out for a few hours on July 13 and 14 or for setup and take down.

2024 Installation of Officers

ABA '24 President Dianne Odagawa (2nd from right) installed as Temple Official on January 28

Minister's Assistant Installation November 26

In a historic first for Los Angeles Nishi Hongwanji Betsuin, a Minister’s Assistant received certification.  Bishop Marvin Harada visit on this day to deliver Dharma Talks in English and Japanese and to present John Digilio, an ABA member, with the MA title as part of the days service.  Those attending enjoyed cake and tea afterwards in the Kaikan.  Pictured are Bishop Harada, Rev George Matsubayashi, Rev Hibiki Murakami, and the new MA John.